Crash replacement policy

At ere we understand that in racing anything can happen. To get you back on your favorite wheels as quick as possible we offer a no questions asked Crash Replacement Policy.  In case of bad luck Ere supports you by offering replacement rims for a special discounted price. Ere offers a crash replacement in addition to the extended lifetime warranty. You can request a crash replacement in case of a broken wheel, which can’t be used in a safe manner due to an accident or crash.

Rules of the Game
  • You have registered your purchase before on the ere research website to activate the lifetime warranty for your wheels. Please remember to make sure you register within 30 days of purchasing the wheels.
  • Request your crash replacement by filling out the form below.
  • Wait for instructions from the Ere Research team.
  • The damaged wheel has to be returned. We will tell you how to do this in the application process.
  • The damaged rim will be replaced with a new rim of the same model. ere research reserve the rights to replace the damaged rim with an equal alternative.
  • The damage has affected the functionality of the wheel. (optical damage is excluded).
  • Please make sure to return it without the tire, without the sprocket and make sure to dismount your disc brake.
  • Your returned rim or wheel remains property of ere research.
  • Costs for conversion, freight and duty are carried by you.